Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
Neami – Way2home
Way2Home works in partnership with health services, general practitioners and other community services to address the needs of people with complex health needs and long histories of sleeping rough.
National Relay Service
The National Relay Service (NRS) allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing and/ar have a speech impairment to make and receive phone calls.
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline:
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline is a free confidential service for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability.
Rough Edges Cafe
Snacks and Light Lunch Wednesdays and Fridays: 10.30am - 1.30pm. Hot Dinner Sun Mon Wed Thurs Fri: 7.30pm - 10.00pm.
Redfern Legal Centre
Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is an independent, non- profit community centre dedicated to promoting social justice and human rights.
Oz Harvest Market
OzHarvest Market is Australia's first ever rescued food supermarket, stocked with produce that has either been donated or would otherwise go to waste, but is perfectly edible.
Service NSW
Family and Community Services (FACS) Housing offers rental assistance for people looking for private rental accommodation.
Sydney Welfare Rights
We are a community legal centre. We advise people about their social security rights, entitlements and obligations and assist people through the social security review and appeals system.
Sydney Homeless Early Intervention Service
Sydney Homeless Early Intervention Service (SHEIS) provides full case management services to young people, men, women and families where tenancies or housing are at risk and to prevent homelessness.
StreetWork is a community organisation working with at risk young people affected by crime, mental health issues, violence, destructive relationships, social isolation, substance abuse and homelessness.