Oz Harvest Market
OzHarvest Market is Australia's first ever rescued food supermarket, stocked with produce that has either been donated or would otherwise go to waste, but is perfectly edible.
Smart Recovery Australia
SMART (Self Management and Recovery Training) is a free group program assisting with problems around addiction to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, food, shopping, Internet and others.
Shoes for Planet Earth
We pack and send shoes to those in need all over Australia as well as many international communities.
Sex Workers Outreach Project (swop)
SWOP provides information and support to sex workers. We are the leading agency in NSW for HIV, STI and hepatitis C prevention among sex workers.
Sydney Welfare Rights
We are a community legal centre. We advise people about their social security rights, entitlements and obligations and assist people through the social security review and appeals system.
Street Buffet
Free buffet style hot meals for people who are, or at risk of homelessness or for disadvantaged individuals and families.
St Vincent’s Homeless Health Services
Assessment, treatment, referral and care coordination for adolescent, adult and older homeless individuals in partnership with local services.
St Vincent De Paul Community Services Directory
Housing and homelessness. Addictions support. Employment & Training. Disability services. Addictions support. Aged Care. Finances.
St Canice’s Kitchen
Canice's Kitchen is a place where everyone is welcome and treated equally, drugs and alcohol are not allowed, you can have some peace and quiet and no one is allowed to be abusive or abused.
The Smith Family
As Australia's largest national education-oriented charity, we support disadvantaged Australian children to participate fully in their education, giving them the best chance at breaking the cycle of disadvantage.