Sydney Homeless Early Intervention Service
Sydney Homeless Early Intervention Service (SHEIS) provides full case management services to young people, men, women and families where tenancies or housing are at risk and to prevent homelessness.
StreetWork is a community organisation working with at risk young people affected by crime, mental health issues, violence, destructive relationships, social isolation, substance abuse and homelessness.
St Vincent’s Homeless Health Services
Assessment, treatment, referral and care coordination for adolescent, adult and older homeless individuals in partnership with local services.
St Vincent De Paul Community Services Directory
Housing and homelessness. Addictions support. Employment & Training. Disability services. Addictions support. Aged Care. Finances.
Shopfront Youth Legal Centre
We provide legal representation and advice to homeless and disadvantaged young people aged 25 and under.
Shelter NSW
Need help? If you need housing assistance, here are the contact details for a range of agencies that may be able to help you.
The Haymarket Foundation
The Haymarket Centre provides crisis support for men, women and transgender people experiencing homelessness who have a range of complex issues.
Taldumande Youth Services & Crisis Accommodation
If you are homeless or having problems with drugs and alcohol, mental health, school or family and need support, we'll be here for you.
Sydney Young Parents Program
A service for young parents (under 25 years) and their children who are homeless or at risk of homeless, and pregnant young women.
Wesley Mission Emergency Support
The purpose of Wesley Mission's emergency relief program is to help people address immediate basic needs in times of financial crisis.