St Vincent’s Homeless Health Services
Assessment, treatment, referral and care coordination for adolescent, adult and older homeless individuals in partnership with local services.
St Canice’s Kitchen
Canice's Kitchen is a place where everyone is welcome and treated equally, drugs and alcohol are not allowed, you can have some peace and quiet and no one is allowed to be abusive or abused.
Smart Recovery Australia
SMART (Self Management and Recovery Training) is a free group program assisting with problems around addiction to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, food, shopping, Internet and others.
The Smith Family
As Australia's largest national education-oriented charity, we support disadvantaged Australian children to participate fully in their education, giving them the best chance at breaking the cycle of disadvantage.
The Salvation Army Employment Plus
Helping thousands of people to secure work every year. If you are unemployed and need welfare assistance, select Employment Plus when Centrelink asks for your preferred jobactive provider.
The Kirribilli Centre
Weekly community lunch for disadvantaged and socially isolated members of our community.
The Continence Foundation Helpline
The National Continence Helpline is a free telephone advisory service providing information, education and advice to callers with incontinence or their carers.
Wesley Mission
We are committed to helping people of all ages and abilities experience a more fulfilling life physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
Vision Australia
A not-for-profit organisation providing blindness and low vision services to Australians of all ages.
Western Sydney Homeless Connect
We provide the disadvantaged with access to support services from over 60 organisations that can prevent them becoming homeless and act as an early intervention strategy.