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Rough Edges Cafe

Snacks and Light Lunch Wednesdays and Fridays: 10.30am - 1.30pm. Hot Dinner Sun Mon Wed Thurs Fri: 7.30pm - 10.00pm.

St John Church 120 Darlinghurst Rd Darlinghurst NSW 2010

Refugee Council of Australia

RCOA is the national umbrella body for refugees and the organisations and individuals who support them.

410 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills NSW 2010

Redfern Legal Centre

Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is an independent, non- profit community centre dedicated to promoting social justice and human rights.

73 Pitt Street Redfern NSW 2016

Sydney Welfare Rights

We are a community legal centre. We advise people about their social security rights, entitlements and obligations and assist people through the social security review and appeals system.

Shopfront Youth Legal Centre

We provide legal representation and advice to homeless and disadvantaged young people aged 25 and under.

356 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010

Welfare Rights Centre Advice Line

The Welfare Rights Centre is a community legal centre which assists people in NSW with social security and family assistance problems and works to improve the social security system.

Suite 202 55 Holt Street Surry Hills NSW 2010

Weave Youth and Community Services

Our diverse range of programs have been designed to help tackle issues related to poverty, drugs, alcohol and mental health, homelessness, domestic violence, family breakdown and isolation.

Cnr Elizabeth & Allen Streets Waterloo NSW 2017

Victim Services

The Victims Access Line or VAL is the single entry point for victims of crime in New South Wales to access services.

Level 1, Justice Precinct Offices 160 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150