High-risk Antenatal Clinic (Kirketon Road Centre )
Antenatal checks and referrals to public hospital antenatal clinics. Pregnancy advice and pregnancy care. Post birth check ups.
Health Care Complaints Commission
The Health Care Complaints Commission acts to protect public health and safety by dealing with complaints about health service providers in NSW.
Hare Krishna Food for Life
Free, nutritious, vegetarian evening meal daily 6-8pm.
Guthrie House
Provides an holistic residential program for women 18 and over involved in the criminal justice system and their accompanying babies to successfully transition to the community.
Inner City Homelessness Early Intervention Service
We are a specialist homelessness service who works with young people, women and men, and provides targeted support to Aboriginal people.
Indigenous Women Legal Advice Line
Free confidential legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in NSW with a focus on domestic violence, sexual assault, family law, discrimination and victim's support.
HSNet is a free website available to anyone looking for a service in NSW.
Housing Accommodation Support Initiative
Eligibility criteria 16+ no upper age limit. Diagnosed mental illness Live within HASI catchment area. Have a tenancy with NSW Housing, Office of Community Housing or Aboriginal Housing Office.
House of Welcome
The House of Welcome exists to welcome, shelter and empower people'seeking asylum and refugees regardless of their age, gender, sexuality, nationality or religion.
Liverpool Community kitchen and Hub
We believe that providing a nutritious meal and safe environment is essential for all in our community and are currently serving 550+ meals per week to people in Liverpool and surrounding areas.