Jewish House
We welcome people of all religions and cultures without bias or judgement. Services are for individuals and families dealing with homelessness, depression, suicide ideation, alcoholism, gambling and drug addiction, domestic violence, mental illness, unemployment, family disputes and other crises. We provide immediate crisis intervention, a 24/7 crisis call line, safe housing, counselling, psychiatry and psychology services, pastoral care and job search support. We understand pets are important too. 24/7 CRISIS LINE : 1300 544 357 – drug and alcohol abuse, financial distress, suicidal preoccupation, domestic violence and homelessness. CRISIS ACCOMMODATION – refuge from violent relationships, homelessness or any circumstances that place people in a situation where they are without a home. COUNSELLING SERVICES – psychological and psychiatric assistance (bulk billed). Pastoral Care, Mediation, JH Kids program for children 4 to 12 experiencing challenges in learning and emotional and behavioural development.
Our Location
Contact Us
17 Flood St Bondi NSW 2026